E.H.W. WORLDWIDE - Delivering Excellence in Quality and Value


Warehouse icon Tukkukauppias


Yleiskuvaus tuotekatalogista

English Katso 53 tuotetta

E.H.W. Worldwide, established in 2011 in Cyprus, is a global force in sourcing and distributing quality products at exceptional prices. Our commitment to "quality products for the best price" drives our year-round accessibility. We rigorously select premium suppliers, ensuring only the finest products reach our customers. Spanning Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Americas, we directly import from leading sources such as Chile, Uruguay, South Africa, and more. With a recent expansion in Germany, we adeptly serve diverse markets, fostering enduring partnerships. Our upcoming logistics hub in South Africa exemplifies our strategic growth. Fueled by our devoted team, E.H.W. Worldwide thrives as a market leader, delivering an unparalleled customer experience. At E.H.W. Worldwide, our mission stands as a testament to our dedication. We endeavor to provide our customers with a transcendent experience, marked by the procurement, supply, and distribution of products that exceed expectations. As we transcend boundaries and traverse industries, we remain committed to making every business interaction with us an unforgettable journey, replete with unparalleled quality and value.


Domain icon Tukkukauppias


De Savornin Lohmanlaan 1

3445 VD Woerden - Hollanti


Yrityksen tiedot


  • Yrityksen laatu
    Pääkonttori – Tytäryhtiö
  • Päätoimiala



  • Check Circle Outline icon Kansainvälinen

E.H.W. WORLDWIDE:n toiminta

  • Ruoka - tuonti ja vienti
  • Olut
  • Samppanja ja kuohuviinit
  • Lavat
  • Puuhiili
  • Polttopuut
  • Pakasteet
  • Kala, pakaste-
  • alkoholijuomat
  • kertakäyttönaamiot